Uninstall KB 2823324 using ConfigMgr

  1. Create a CMD file with the following content
    @echo off

    :: - - - - - Check if KB is installed - - - - - - - -

    systeminfo | findstr 2823324

    :: - - - - - If not installed (1), exit - - - - - - -

    IF %errorlevel% EQU 1 GOTO NOTFOUND



    Echo %date% - %time% KB 2823324 was not found. Exit. >> C:\Windows\Temp\Microsoft_Uninstall_Patch_KB2823324.log


    :: - - - - - If installed (0), uninstall - - - - - - -


    Echo %date% - %time% KB 2823324 was found. Attempt uninstall. >> C:\Windows\Temp\Microsoft_Uninstall_Patch_KB2823324.log

    wusa.exe /uninstall /kb:2823324 /quiet /norestart /log:C:\Windows\Temp\Microsoft_Uninstall_Patch_KB2823324_WUSA.log

    Echo %date% - %time% KB 2823324 uninstall complete. Restart might be needed for operation to complete successfully. >> C:\Windows\Temp\Microsoft_Uninstall_Patch_KB2823324.log


  2. Deploy this CMD file by creating a new package and program. Keep in mind that a restart is required to fully uninstall this patch.