I just spent half an hour trying to understand why my task sequence cannot find the files on a distribution point; although the TS runs normally, I see all available TSs and I can choose the one I need. Then I found why: I missed something I never missed before and that must not be forgotten! I forgot to configure the network access account.
So, if you receive the following error: “This task sequence cannot be run because the program files for <your package here> are inaccessible on the distribution point.”, you should check if your network access account are configured and the information is correct.

To resolve this issue, you must correctly configure the System Center Configuration Manager 2007 client network access account. To do this, follow these steps:
- Use an account that has administrative permissions to log on to a computer that has the System Center Configuration Manager 2007 Administrator Console installed.
- Click Start, click All Programs, click Systems Management Server, and then click SMS Administrator Console.
- Expand ServerName, expand Site Management, expand SiteName, and then expand Site Settings.
- Click Client Agents, right-click Computer Client Agent, and then click Properties.
- In the Computer Client Agent Properties dialog box, next to the network access account that you want to configure, click Set.
- In the Windows User Account dialog box, enter the user name and the password that you want to use for the network access account, and then click OK two times.
Here is Microsoft’s article about this: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/935914