- Create a CMD file with the following content
@echo off
:: - - - - - Check if KB is installed - - - - - - - -
systeminfo | findstr 2823324
:: - - - - - If not installed (1), exit - - - - - - -
IF %errorlevel% EQU 1 GOTO NOTFOUND
Echo %date% - %time% KB 2823324 was not found. Exit. >> C:\Windows\Temp\Microsoft_Uninstall_Patch_KB2823324.log
:: - - - - - If installed (0), uninstall - - - - - - -
Echo %date% - %time% KB 2823324 was found. Attempt uninstall. >> C:\Windows\Temp\Microsoft_Uninstall_Patch_KB2823324.log
wusa.exe /uninstall /kb:2823324 /quiet /norestart /log:C:\Windows\Temp\Microsoft_Uninstall_Patch_KB2823324_WUSA.log
Echo %date% - %time% KB 2823324 uninstall complete. Restart might be needed for operation to complete successfully. >> C:\Windows\Temp\Microsoft_Uninstall_Patch_KB2823324.log
- Deploy this CMD file by creating a new package and program. Keep in mind that a restart is required to fully uninstall this patch.
Update proxy settings used by Software Updates role in SCCM 2007
Few months ago I had an interesting problem at a client site that took me a while to resolve. So I want to post it here, maybe it will help others…
After a successful upgrade from SMS 2003 to SCCM 2007 SP1, I configured software update point, synchronized with Microsoft update to get the list of updates for products I needed and created a new list with updates required by clients. When I tried to deploy software updates it should download the updates to my SCCM server. Well, this step failed. PatchDownloader.log reported the following:
Trying to connect to the root\SMS namespace on the XYZ-SCCM machine
Connected to \\XYZ-SCCM\root\SMS
Trying to connect to the \\XYZ-SCCM\root\sms\site_XYZ namespace on the machine
Connected to \\XYZ-SCCM\root\sms\site_XYZ
Download destination = \\XYZ-SCCM\WsusContent\08123a3c-c7fd-43a4-a4ce-80089b1267df.1\WindowsXP-KB938828-x86-ENU.exe
Contentsource = http://www.download.windowsupdate.com/msdownload/update/v3-19990518/cabpool/windowsxp-kb938828-x86-enu_ba3f0cbe4ba5736d4254732e41fe058697b76ebc.exe
Downloading content for ContentID = 8170, FileName = WindowsXP-KB938828-x86-ENU.exe
Try username DOMAIN\USERNAME from the registry
Proxy enabled proxy server ISAserver:8080
HttpSendRequest failed 12007
Download http://www.download.windowsupdate.com/msdownload/update/v3-19990518/cabpool/windowsxp-kb938828-x86-enu_ba3f0cbe4ba5736d4254732e41fe058697b76ebc.exe to C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1.LAB\LOCALS~1\Temp\2\CAB3B.tmp returns 12007
ERROR: DownloadContentFiles() failed with hr=0x80072ee7
First I thought it was a stupid error, as I set (and checked twice) all correct information. Looks like proxy information was old and not updating with what I have set later in SCCM. So I needed to remove old information and set the new ones again.
I have checked the registry and I couldn’t do much as username and password was encrypted. Well, I used upddwnldcfg.exe (from <ConfigMgrInstallationFolder>\bin\i386\00000409 folder on a x86 machine) to delete all proxy information stored in the registry and added the new username, password and server’s IP address. After this, downloading updates worked perfectly. More information about configuring proxy settings using upddwnldcfg.exe, you can find here: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb892795.aspx