SELECT TOP (100) PERCENT Manufacturer0 AS Manufacturer, Model0 AS Model, COUNT(Model0) AS Total
GROUP BY Model0, Manufacturer0
ORDER BY Total DESC, Manufacturer, Model
Find computer model and manufacturer using remote WMI
In case you need to find the computer model and manufacturer of a remote computer, just use the following command in a command prompt window:
%windir%\System32\wbem\WMIC.exe /node:"ComputerNameORIpAddress" ComputerSystem Get Model, Manufacturer
If you need to specify user credentials, use the following command:
%windir%\System32\wbem\WMIC.exe /node:"ComputerNameORIpAddress" /user:"domain\username" /password:"password" ComputerSystem Get Model, Manufacturer
WMI query for processor manufacturer
Following the post regarding how to install drivers based on computer model using WMI query, here is another query you can use in your task sequences to install some processor specific software for example.
To find the processor manufacturer during a task sequence, insert a condition for the step you need, and select Query WMI. Then, for WMI Namespace use root\cimv2. For WQL Query use SELECT * FROM Win32_Processor WHERE Manufacturer like “%GenuineIntel%” or SELECT * FROM Win32_Processor WHERE Manufacturer like “%AuthenticAMD%” depending on what you need.
To find the processor manufacturer of your computer, open a command prompt and type the following: WMIC CPU GET Manufacturer.