Hi there! My name is Vitalie Ciobanu (Ciobanu, Vitalie) and on this website I’ll try and keep you fueled with some info and “how to” things related to IT and IT Service Management in general.
This website contains my personal opinions which do not reflect those of my past, current or future employers.
Some notes about me, a person you may have never met:
As of 2023, I managed to gather 20 years of experience in IT field; various roles in various companies.
Starting from the bottom is never easy but it is rewarding and full of knowledge. I’ve done volunteering work in my campus, I’ve built websites for free to get experience, I’ve also been a Helpdesk and field person in a company I will never forget because it was the one who built the base of my current knowledge. Moving on to consultancy, then services side and afterwards to an area totally new to me – Hardware Asset Management, I’m now back into tech and into the same company that built my professional base – Microsoft. Currently, I’m an EMEA Power BI Support Engineer. And I’m not done yet, there are still steps to climb.
I’m an organized and detailed person. As such, I have high standards regarding work and ethics. I continuously seek new challenges and opportunities to learn something new.
Here are the links to my LinkedIn profile and CV, in case you’d like to see my full journey.