Step-by-step guide to install Configuration Manager 2012 SP1 R2

Steps to perform on primary domain controller (DC)

Extend AD schema

  1. Log in using a domain admin account
  2. Insert ConfigMgr 2012 SP1 DVD
  3. Open a command prompt window
  4. Type D:\SMSSETUP\BIN\X64\EXTADSCH.EXE and press Enter. Wait for a confirmation message in CMD window and then check for the existence of ExtADSch.log file in the root of C: partition on the DC. Open the file and see if “Successfully extended the Active Directory schema.” message is present.

Assign permission to System OU in AD

  1. Open Active Directory Users and Computers
  2. From the View menu select Advanced Features
  3. Right click on the System container and select Properties
  4. Go to Security tab and click Advanced
  5. Click Add in the Permission tab
  6. Select Object Types and check the box for Computers. Click OK
  7. In the Enter the object name to select field enter the name of the ConfigMgr server and click Check Names
  8. After the server name is recognized, click Ok
  9. In the Permission Entry for System window check the box for Full control and select This object and all descendant objects in the Apply to list box. Click OK three times to close all open windows

Create service accounts

  1. Open ADUC and create the following 3 service accounts (select complex password for each account):
    1. SQL Server Service Accountsqlsrvacct
    2. ConfigMgr Client Push Service Accountcfgmgrclpush
    3. ConfigMgr Network Access Service Accountcfgmgrnetacct
  2. Make cfgmgrclpush account member of Domain Admins group or Workstation Admins group if this exists.

Create GPO to add security groups to local Administrators group on servers and workstations

  1. Server local admins
  2. Workstation local admins

Steps to perform on Configuration Manager server

Install Report Viewer 2008 SP1 Redistributable

  1. Login with a domain admin account, preferably not Administrator.
  2. Download and install Report Viewer 2008 SP1 Redistributable from

Add Server Features

  1. Open Server Manager and add the following features:
    1. NET Framework 3.5.1 Features, BITS, Group Policy Management and Remote Differential Compression
    2. From Web Server (IIS) select WebDAV Publishing, ASP.NET, ASP, Windows Authentication, Dynamic Content Compression and IIS 6 WMI Compatibility

Configure WebDAV

  1. Open Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager
  2. Expand server name and select Default Web Site
  3. Double click on the WebDAV Authoring Rules and select Enable WebDAV from the right side panel
  4. From the right side, click Add Authoring Rule
  5. In the Add Authoring Rule window select the checkboxes for: All Content, All Users, Read and click OK
  6. From the right side, click WebDAV Settings
  7. Modify the following components as follows and click Apply when finished:
    1. Allow anonymous property queries – True
    2. Allow custom properties – False
    3. Allow property queries with infinite depth – True
    4. Allow hidden files to be listed – True

Add SQL Server ports exceptions

  1. Open Windows Firewall with Advanced Security
  2. Right click Inbound Rules and select New rule
  3. In the New Inbound Rule Wizard window make the following modifications:
    1. Rule Type – Port
    2. Protocol and Ports – TCP, Specific local ports: 1433
    3. Action – Allow the connection
    4. Profile – no modification
    5. Name – SQL TCP 1433
  4. Repeat step 3 to add another inbound rule with the following settings:
    1. Rule Type – Port
    2. Protocol and Ports – TCP, Specific local ports: 4022
    3. Action – Allow the connection
    4. Profile – no modification
    5. Name – SQL TCP 4022

Install SQL Server 2012 SP1

  1. Insert SQL Server 2012 SP1 DVD
  2. Select New SQL Server stand-alone installation
  3. Select features: Database Engine Services, Reporting Services – Native, Client Tools Connectivity, Management Tools, Integration Services (optional)
  4. Select default instance
  5. Add sqlsrvacct domain account to the local Administrators group on the ConfigMgr server
  6. Use the SQL service account for all SQL Server services
  7. Set SQL Server Browser to Automatic
  8. Add current user as the SQL Administrator (preferably not domain Administrator account)
  9. After installation, open Management Studio and configure maximum memory allocation.

Install Windows Deployment Services

  1. Open Server Manager and install the Windows Deployment Services role using the default settings

Install Windows Server Update Services

  1. Open Server Manager and select the Windows Server Update Services role. Click Next twice and then Install
  2. Install WSUS using the following settings:
    1. Select Update Source – select a disk with more disk space
    2. Database options – Use an existing database server on this computer
    3. Web Site Selection – Create a Windows Server Update Services 3.0 SP2 Web Site (http://servername:8530)
  3. When installation is finished, close the wizard by pressing Cancel button
  4. Create a Group Policy Object for windows update settings.
  5. If you have Windows Server 2008 R2, install KB2720211
  6. If you have Windows Server 2008 R2, install KB2734608

Install Windows Assessment and Deployment Kit (ADK) for Windows 8.1

  1. Download Windows Assessment and Deployment Kit (Windows ADK) for Windows 8.1 from Microsoft website
  2. Select to install only the following:
    1. Deployment Tools
    2. Windows PE
    3. USMT

Install Configuration Manager 2012 SP1

  1. Insert Configuration Manager 2012 SP1 DVD
  2. Click Install link Configuration Manager 2012 SP1 Setup Wizard window.
  3. Install ConfigMgr and make only the following modifications:
    1. Available Setup Options – Install a Configuration Manager site server
    2. Updated Prerequisite Components – Check for updates and download…
    3. Site and Installation Settings – enter a Site code and Site name

Install Configuration Manager 2012 R2

  1. Insert Configuration Manager 2012 R2 CD
  2. Click Configuration Manager 2012 R2 link from the Install section
  3. Install the R2 add-on accepting the default settings in the wizard

Configure Configuration Manager as needed

Deploy Configuration Manager 2012 R2 hotfix to Clients using your preferred method and settings.

Uncheck “Install new versions automatically” in Internet Explorer 10 during deployment

IF you during deployment you want to easily uncheck “Install new versions automatically” feature, there is a registry setting you can configure prior to actual IE setup.exe or msi, whatever you use.


Copy the following text to a notepad and save it as a REG file. Then use REG IMPORT “Disable_AutoUpdate.reg” before you deploy your IE and that’s all.

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main]

For example, here’s our script to deploy IE and disable auto update:

: - - - - - - Uncheck "Install new versions automatically" - - - - - - -
REG IMPORT "Disable_AutoUpdate.reg"
: - - - - - - Install Application - - - - - - -
MSIExec /i "IE10-Setup-Full.msi" /qn /norestart /l*v C:\Windows\Temp\Microsoft_IE10_x64_ENG_R1_Install.log

Deploy Office 2007 SP2 with ConfigMgr 2007

As Microsoft recently released Service Pack 2 for Office 2007 suite, it is a good idea to add the update files to the package so it can be installed during the installation.

So, first of all we have to download the SP2 executable file from here: (see Visio and Project information at the end of this post).

Then, using a command prompt window, extract the content of the package to a folder you can browse to.

Accept EULA and click Continue.

Select a folder to extract the files to.

When the extraction is complete, you should have the following files:

At this point, you can delete the office2007sp2-kb953195-fullfile-en-us.exe file. Copy the other 9 files to “Updates” folder from your Office 2007 source folder.

Now you only have to update the distribution point/s and the next time Office 2007 will install, it will apply the SP2 update during Office 2007 installation.

Additional info:

The same steps are valid for Visio and Project 2007.

Microsoft Office Visio 2007 Service Pack 2 (SP2) can be downloaded from here:
Microsoft Office Project 2007 Service Pack 2 (SP2) can be downloaded from here:

Install software using Task Sequence

Besides using Software Distribution to install software, you can do this using a Task Sequence too. This can be done during and Operating System Deployment process or not.

Usually, I install software during an OSD. For this, you must have a package for that software product (of course) and at least one program that runs silently. If the program  requires user intervention, you will not have the possibility to add it to your TS. I hope you know the fact that the package should exist on a Distribution Point.

This is how one of my simplest TSs looks like:

To add an Install Software step, in your TS click Add from the menu and select GeneralInstall Software.

Then, type a name for this step and using the Browse button select a package to add the TS. Remember that you can only add packages that has a program to run without user intervention.

I find it useful to have a step to install latest updates after all install software steps.

One more way to install software using a TS, is to have only Install Software steps. This way, you can install multiple software products using one advertisement instead of advertising every package. I use this only when I have an OS installed and I want to install software on it.

This is how such a TS looks like:

How To: Operating System deployment with MDT 2010 and ConfigMgr 2007 SP2

Johan Arwidmark, Setup & Deployment MVP, just finished working on his Version 2.0 Deployment CD. It contains the following step-by-step guides and video tutorials:

MDT 2010 Lite Touch Deployments (deployment without ConfigMgr 2007 SP2 R2, just the free tools)

  • LTI01 – Installing the server for MDT 2010 Lite Touch
  • LTI02 – Creating a Windows 7 reference image using Lite Touch
  • LTI03 – Deploying a Windows 7 image using Lite Touch
  • LTI04 – Dynamic Settings, creating and using the deployment database

MDT 2010 Zero Touch Deployments (deployment with ConfigMgr 2007 SP2 R2)

  • ZTI01 – Installing the server for MDT 2010 Zero Touch and ConfigMgr 2007 SP2
  • ZTI02 – Creating a Windows 7 reference image using ConfigMgr 2007 SP2
  • ZTI03 – Deploying a Windows 7 image using ConfigMgr 2007 SP2
  • ZTI04 – Dynamic Settings, creating and using the deployment database

Additional Presentations

  • E01 – New features in MDT 2010
  • E02 – Upgrading MDT 2008 to MDT 2010
  • E03 – Migrating Windows XP to Windows 7

And guess what? He’s offering the CD for free to everybody who needs and wants it. You can register for a free download at

During OSD, format first partition only

Our helpdesk asked me to make a task sequence that can be used on computers with more than one partition. In this case, I had to make sure that the operating system will install only on first partition and will not touch the data on other partitions.

To achieve this, I copied another TS and modified the following 2 steps:

  • removed any “Format and Partition Disk” step
  • in the “Apply Operating System Image” step, under “Select the location where you want to apply this operating system” made the following modifications:
    • Destination: Specific disk and partition
    • Disk: 0 (if all computers are installed on first hard disk)
    • Partition: 1 (if all computers have OS installed on first partition)

This way, when TS runs, it automatically wipes partition 1 from disk 0 and will not touch any other partition or disk.

Wiping volume C:\

How to create a Windows XP SP3 Target Computer in Configuration Manager 2007 SP1 R2

This post assumes you have created a reference computer and captured an image of it as described in the previous post.

Import and configure a task sequence to deploy the target computer

After the task sequence to deploy the reference computer (Home-XPSP3-Ref01) finishes, a captured image of the reference computer is stored in \Home-SCCMCaptures$Home-XPSP3-Ref01.wim. Now, We’ll create a task sequence that will deploy the captured image of reference computer to the target computer (Home-XPSP3-Tar01).

Create an MDT 2008 Task Sequence for the Target Computer

To create a task sequence to deploy the captured image to the target computer:

  1. Click Start, point to All Programs, and then point to Microsoft System Center. Point to Configuration Manager 2007, and then click ConfigMgr Console.
  2. In the Configuration Manager console console tree, go to Site Database/Computer Management/Task Sequences.
  3. In the details pane, click Import Microsoft Deployment Task Sequence.
  4. The Import Microsoft Deployment Task Sequence Wizard starts.
  5. Complete the Import Microsoft Deployment Task Sequence Wizard by using the information in the table below. Accept the default values unless otherwise specified
On this wizard page Select Client Task Sequence, and then click Next.
General In Task sequence name, type Windows XP SP3 Target Deployment.
In Task sequence comments, type Task sequence for deploying captured reference computer image to the target computer (Home-XPSP3-Tar01), and then click Next.
Details Click Join a domain.
In Workgroup, type Home.local.
In User name, type Work User.
In Organization name, type Work Organization.
In Product key, type product_key (where product_key is the product key for Windows XP SP3).
In Capture destination, type \Home-SCCMCaptures$Home-XPSP3-Ref01.wim.
In Capture Account, click Set, and then complete the Windows User Account dialog box by performing the following steps:

  1. In User name, type HomeAdministrator.
  2. In Password and Confirm password, type domain admin password.
  3. Click OK.

Click Next.

Boot Image In Specify an existing boot image package, click Browse.
In Select a package dialog box, click Windows PE Custom, and then click OK.
Click Next.
MDT Package In Specify an existing Microsoft Deployment Toolkit Files package, click Browse.
In the Select a Package dialog box, click MDT 2008 Files, and then click OK.
Click Next.
MDT Package: MDT Details In Name, type MDT 2008 Files.
In Version, type 1.00.
In Comments, type Provides access to MDT 2008 software during Configuration Manager deployment process, and then click Next.
OS Image Click Create a new OS image.
In OS image file (WIM) location, type \Home-SCCMCaptures$Home-XPSP3-Ref01.wim.
In Package source folder to be created, type \Home-SCCMPackages$Home-XPSP3-Ref01_Image.
Click Next.
OS Image: Image Details In Name, type Windows XP SP3 Reference Image.
In Version, type 1.00.
In Comments, type Windows XP SP3 captured image of reference computer (Home-XPSP3-Ref01) used to deploy to target computers, and then click Next.
Client Package In Specify an existing ConfigMgr client package, click Browse.
In the Select a Package dialog box, click Configuration Manager Client Upgrade, and then click OK.
Click Next.
USMT Package In Specify an existing USMT package, click Browse.
In the Select a Package dialog box, click USMT, and then click OK.
Click Next.
Settings Package Click Create a new settings package.
In Package source folder to be created, type \Home-SCCMPackages$CustomSettings_Target, and then click Next.
Settings Package: Settings Details In Name, type MDT 2008 Target Computer Custom Settings.
In Version, type 1.00.
In Comments, type Configuration settings for MDT 2008 deployment process (such as CustomSettings.ini) for the target computer, and then click Next.
Sysprep Package In Specify an existing Sysprep package, click Browse.
In the Select a Package dialog box, click Configuration Windows XP SP3 Sysprep, and then click OK.
Click Next.
Summary Displays a status bar that shows the progress of the tasks defined in the wizard. The Import Microsoft Deployment Task Sequence Wizard closes when the task sequence is imported.

Customize the target computer task sequence

By default, the task sequence sets the password for the local Administrator account to a random value. At this step we will specify the password we want.

To customize the Windows Vista Target Deployment task sequence:

  1. In the Configuration Manager console console tree, go to Site Database/Computer Management/Operating System Deployment/Task Sequences.
  2. In the details pane, click Windows XP SP3 Target Deployment.
  3. In the details pane, click Edit.
  4. In the Windows XP SP3 Reference Deployment Task Sequence Editor dialog box, go to PostInstall/Apply Windows Settings.
  5. On the Properties tab, click Enable the account and specify the local administrator password.
  6. On the Properties tab, in Password and Confirm Password, type P@ssw0rd, and then click Apply.

Select distribution point for packages and images

Running the Import Microsoft Deployment Task Sequence Wizard to create the task sequence for the target computers, creates a new software distribution package and a new image.

To select the distribution points for software distribution package:

  1. In the Configuration Manager console console tree, go to System Center Configuration Manager/Site Database/Computer Management/Software Distribution/Packages.
  2. In the details pane, click MDT 2008 Target Computer Custom Settings.
  3. In the details pane, click Manage Distribution Points.
  4. The Manage Distribution Points Wizard starts.
  5. Complete the Manage Distribution Points Wizard by using the information in the table below. Accept the default values unless otherwise specified.
On this wizard page Do this
Welcome Click Next.
Select Destination Distribution Point Click Next.
Package In Distribution points, select HOME-SCCM, and then click Next.
Completion Click Next.
Wizard Completed Click Close.

To select the distribution points for operating system images:

  1. In the Configuration Manager console console tree, go to System Center Configuration Manager/Site Database/Computer Management/Operating System Deployment/Operating System Images.
  2. In the details pane, click Windows XP SP3 Reference Image.
  3. In the details pane, click Manage Distribution Points.
  4. The Manage Distribution Points Wizard starts.
  5. Complete the Manage Distribution Points Wizard by using the information in the table below. Accept the default values unless otherwise specified.
On this wizard page Do this
Welcome Click Next.
Select Destination Distribution Point Click Next.
Package In Distribution points, select HOME-SCCM, and then click Next.
Completion Click Next.
Wizard Completed Click Close.

Deploy the captured image of the reference computer to the target computer

Create an advertisement for the target computer task sequence

To create an advertisement for the task sequence:

  1. In the Configuration Manager console console tree, go to System Center Configuration Manager/Site Database/Computer Management/Operating System Deployment/Task Sequences.
  2. In the details pane, click Windows XP SP3 Target Deployment.
  3. In the details pane, click Advertise.
  4. The New Advertisement Wizard starts.
  5. Complete the Manage Distribution Points Wizard by using the information in the table below. Accept the default values unless otherwise specified.
On this wizard page Do this
General In Comment, type Advertisement to deploy Windows XP SP3 reference image.
In Collection, click Browse.
In the Browse Collection dialog box, click All Unknown Computers, and then click OK.
Select the Make this task sequence available to boot media and PXE check box.
Click Next.
Schedule Click Next.
Distribution Point Click Next.
Interaction Click Next.
Security Click Next.
Summary Click Next.
Confirmation Click Close.

Now, we can boot Home-XPSP3-Tar01 computer from the ConfigMgr2007_TS_Boot_Media.iso file created earlier.

On the Welcome to the Task Sequence Wizard page, in the Password field type P@ssw0rd and press Next. You will see that there are two assignments: Windows XP SP3 Reference Deployment and Windows XP SP3 Target Deployment. Select Windows XP SP3 Target Deployment and click Next to start the operating system deployment.

The operating system deployment starts. If any problems occur during the deployment, consult the MDT 2008 document or learn how to troubleshoot task sequence issues in Configuration Manager.

And that was the simplest way (and with any configuration made to the operating system) to make an image of a reference computer and then use that image to deploy target computers.

How to create a Windows XP SP3 Reference Machine using Configuration Manager 2007 SP1 R2

In this post, I will show how to deploy Windows XP SP3 (the easiest and least customizable way) in a virtual environment (Virtual PC 2005 SP1) step-by-step. This post is inspired from “Quick Start Guide for Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager 2007” document.

In this post, I will create a reference machine with Windows XP SP3 and will capture an image of it. And in the then next post, I will use the captured image to create a new task sequence that can be used to deploy Windows XP SP3 to target machines.

My environment is described below (note that all operating systems and products used are x86 versions):

Computer Description and system resources
Home-DC1 The computer runs Windows Server 2003 SP1 with the following roles and services installed:

  • AD DS
  • DNS Server
  • DHCP Server

The system resources of the computer are as follows:

  • Processor running at 2 gigahertz
  • 128 megabytes physical memory
  • One disk partition that has 35 gigabytes (GB) available disk space and that will become the drive C partition
  • One CD-ROM or DVD-ROM drive that will be assigned the drive letter D
Home-SCCM This computer runs SQL Server 2005 SP2 and System Center Configuration Manager 2007 SP1 R2 fully working. The computer runs Windows Server 2003 SP2 R2.
The system resources of the computer are as follows:

  • Processor running at 2 GHz
  • 1024 MB physical memory
  • 33 GB available disk space
Home-XPSP3-Ref01 This is the reference computer, which runs no current operating system.
The system resources of the computer are as follows:

  • Processor running at 2 GHz
  • 1024 MB physical memory
  • 65 GB available disk space
Home-XPSP3-Tar01 This is the target computer, which runs no current operating system.

  • Processor running at 2 GHz
  • 1024 MB physical memory
  • 65 GB available disk space

So, let’s start.

Prepare the environment

Create required folders and shares

The MDT 2008 deployment process requires additional folders that are used as the source for files or to store files created during the MDT 2008 deployment process. Some of these folders need to be shared so that they can be accessed from other computers.

To create the required folders and shares:

  1. On Home-SCCM computer, create the following folders:
    • Captures
    • Packages
    • Source
  2. Configure the following shares and permissions:
    Share name Share permissions Security permissions
    Administrators: Full Control
    Everyone: Read
    SYSTEM: Full Control
    Administrators: Full Control
    Creator owner: leave as default
    SYSTEM: Full Control
    Users: Read & Execute, List Folder Contents
  3. Create the following subfolders:
    • Source\MDT2008
    • Source\Sysprep_XPSP3
    • Source\USMT301
    • Source\Windows_XPSP3
    • Packages\CustomSettings_Reference
    • Packages\CustomSettings_Target
    • Packages\ MDT_2008_Files
    • Packages \Sysprep_XPSP3
    • Packages \USMT301
    • Packages \Windows_XPSP3
    • Packages \WinPE_Custom

Note: Please note that I do not have the “Drivers” folder as I’m installing the OS in a virtual machine and I will not use any drivers.

Obtain the required software

Besides the OS, SQL, Configuration Manager and other software installed already, we will also need the software listed below:

Obtain this software Place in this folder
MDT 2008 Update 1, available at
Windows XP SP3 distribution files from the product CD C:\Source\Windows_XPSP3
USMT version 3.0.1 available at
Sysprep for Windows XP SP3 available at
Extracted files from “” place in C:\Source\Sysprep_XPSP3

Install User State Migration Tool

The USMT is used to save and restore user state migration information.

Install USMT on Home-SCCM in order to extract the files needed to create the System Center Configuration Manager package.

To install USMT 3.0.1:

  1. In Windows Explorer, go to C:\Source\USMT301, and then double-click InstallUSMT301_x86.msi.
  2. Complete the installation wizard by accepting all the default values.
    This installs USMT in C:\Program Files\USMT301.
  3. Copy the USMT source files from C:\Program Files\USMT301 to C:\Source\USMT301.

Install Microsoft Deployment Toolkit 2008 Update 1

To install MDT 2008 Update 1:

  1. In Windows Explorer, go to C:\Source\MDT2008.
  2. Double-click MicrosoftDeploymentToolkit_x86.msi and then click Install.
  3. Click Next to skip the welcome page.
  4. On the End-User License Agreement page, review the license agreement, select I accept the terms in the License Agreement, and then click Next.
  5. On the Custom Setup page, click Next.
  6. Click Install.
    The installation process status is displayed, then finishes.
  7. Click Finish.

Enable Configuration Manager Console integration

To enable Configuration Manager console integration:

Note: Ensure that Configuration Manager Console is closed while performing these steps.

  1. Click Start, and then point to All Programs. Point to Microsoft Deployment Toolkit, and then click Configure ConfigMgr 2007 Integration.
  2. The Configure ConfigMgr 2007 Integration script starts.
  3. In the Configure ConfigMgr Integration dialog box, in Site server name, verify that the value entered is your site server name.
  4. In Site code, verify that the value is your site code, and then click Finish.

Import and configure a task sequence to create a reference computer

The reference computer is used as the template for deploying new images to the target computers. Configure this computer (Home-XPSP3-Ref01) exactly as the target computers will be configured. An image of the reference computer will be captured and the image deployed to the target computers.

Create a MDT 2008 task sequence for the reference computer

To create a task sequence for deploying the reference computer:

  1. Click Start, point to All Programs, and then click Microsoft System Center. Click Configuration Manager 2007, and then click ConfigMgr Console.
  2. In the Configuration Manager console tree, go to Site Database/Computer Management/Task Sequences.
  3. In the details pane, click Import Microsoft Deployment Task Sequence.
    The Import Microsoft Deployment Task Sequence Wizard starts.
  4. Complete the Import Microsoft Deployment Task Sequence Wizard by using the information in the table below. Accept the default values unless otherwise specified.
    On this wizard page Do this
    Choose Template Select Client Task Sequence, and then click Next.
    General In Task sequence name, type Windows XP SP3 Reference Deployment. In Task sequence comments, type Task sequence for deploying Windows XP SP3 to the reference computer (Home-XPSP3-Ref01), and then click Next.
    Details Click Join a workgroup.
    In Workgroup, type WORKGROUP.
    In User name, type Work User.
    In Organization name, type Work Organization.
    In Product key, type product_key (where product_key is the product key for Windows XP SP3).
    In Capture destination, type \\Home-SCCM\Captures$\Home-XPSP3-Ref01.wim.
    In Capture Account, click Set, and then complete the Windows User Account dialog box by performing the following steps:

    1. In User name, type Home\Administrator.
    2. In Password and Confirm password, type domain admin password.
    3. Click OK.

    Click Next.

    Boot Image Click Create a new boot image package.
    In Package source folder to be created, type \\Home-SCCM\Packages$\WinPE_Custom, and then click Next.
    Boot Image: General Settings In Name, type Windows PE Custom.
    In Version, type 1.00.
    In Comments, type Customized version of Windows PE to be used in deployment of reference and target computers, and then click Next.
    Boot Image: Image Options Click Next.
    MDT Package Click Create a new Microsoft Deployment Toolkit Files package.
    In Package source folder to be created, type \\Home-SCCM\Packages$\MDT_2008_Files, and then click Next.
    MDT Package: MDT Details In Name, type MDT 2008 Files.
    In Version, type 1.00.
    In Comments, type Provides access to MDT 2008 software during Configuration Manager deployment process, and then click Next.
    OS Image Click Create a new OS install package.
    In OS installation folder location, type \\Home-SCCM\Source$\Windows_XPSP3.
    In Package source folder to be created, type \\Home-SCCM\Packages$\Windows_XPSP3, and then click Next.
    OS Image: Image Details In Name, type Windows XP SP3.
    In Version, type 1.00.
    In Comments, type Windows XP SP3 package used to deploy to reference computers, and then click Next.
    Client Package Click Create a new ConfigMgr client package, and then click Next.
    USMT Package Click Create a new USMT package.
    In Path to USMT executables and related files, type \\Home-SCCM\Source$\USMT301.
    In Package source folder to be created, type \\Home-SCCM\Packages$\USMT301, and then click Next.
    USMT Package: USMT Details In Name, type USMT.
    In Version, type 3.0.1.
    In Comments, type USMT files used to capture and restore user state migration information, and then click Next.
    Settings Package Click Create a new settings package.
    In Package source folder to be created, type \\Home-SCCM\Packages$\CustomSettings_Reference, and then click Next.
    Settings Package: Settings Details In Name, type MDT 2008 Reference Computer Custom Settings.
    In Version, type 1.00.
    In Comments, type Configuration settings for MDT 2008 deployment process (such as CustomSettings.ini) for the reference computer, and then click Next.
    Sysprep Package Click Create a new Sysprep package.
    In Path to Sysprep executables and related files, type \\Home-SCCM\Source$\Sysprep_XPSP3.
    In Package source folder to be created, type \\Home-SCCM\Packages$\Sysprep_XPSP3, and then click Next.
    Sysprep Package: Sysprep Details In Name, type Windows XP SP3 Sysprep.
    In Version, type 1.00.
    In Comments, type Sysprep files needed to deploy Windows XP SP3, and then click Next.
    Summary Displays a status bar that shows the progress of the tasks defined in the wizard. The Import Microsoft Deployment Task Sequence Wizard closes when the task sequence is imported.
    This process can take several minutes to finish.

Customize MDT 2008 configuration files

When the MDT 2008 task sequence has been imported, customize the MDT 2008 configuration files that provide the configuration settings for deploying Windows XP to the target computer. Specifically, customize the CustomSettings.ini file.

To customize the MDT 2008 configuration files for the reference computer:

1. In Windows Explorer, go to C:\Packages$\CustomSettings_Reference, and then double-click CustomSettings.ini.

2. In Notepad, add DoCapture=Yes to the end of the CustomSettings.ini file.

3. In Notepad, save the file, and then exit Notepad.

Customize the reference computer’s task sequence

By default, the task sequence sets the password for local Administrator account to a random value. At this step we will specify the password we want.

To customize the Windows Vista Reference Deployment task sequence:

  1. In the Configuration Manager console tree, go to Site Database/Computer Management/Operating System Deployment/Task Sequences.
  2. In the details pane, click Windows XP SP3 Reference Deployment.
  3. In the details pane, click Edit.
  4. In the Windows XP SP3 Reference Deployment Task Sequence Editor dialog box, go to PostInstall/Apply Windows Settings.
  5. On the Properties tab, click Enable the account and specify the local administrator password.
  6. On the Properties tab, in Password and Confirm Password, type P@ssw0rd, and then click Apply and OK.

Select distribution point for packages and image

The Import Microsoft Deployment Task Sequence Wizard created a number of packages and images. After these packages and images were modified as needed, we will select the distribution points from which the packages and images will be copied and available to target computers.

To select the distribution points for software distribution packages:

  1. In the Configuration Manager console tree, go to System Center Configuration Manager/Site Database/Computer Management/Software Distribution/Packages.
  2. In the details pane, click MDT 2008 Files.
  3. In the details pane, click Manage Distribution Points.
  4. The Manage Distribution Points Wizard starts.
  5. Complete the Manage Distribution Points Wizard by using the information in the table below. Accept default values unless otherwise specified.
    On this wizard page Do this
    Welcome Click Next.
    Select Destination Distribution Point Click Next.
    Package In Distribution points, select HOME-SCCM, and then click Next.
    Completion Click Next.
    Wizard Completed Click Close.

Repeat steps 2–4 of this procedure, substituting each of the following packages for:

  • MDT 2008 Reference Computer Custom Settings
  • USMT
  • Windows XP SP3 Sysprep
  • Configuration Manager Client Upgrade

To select the distribution points for boot images:

  1. In the Configuration Manager console tree, go to System Center Configuration Manager/Site Database/Computer Management/ Operating System Deployment/Boot Images.
  2. In the details pane, click Windows PE Custom.
  3. In the details pane, click Manage Distribution Points.
  4. The Manage Distribution Points Wizard starts.
  5. Complete the Manage Distribution Points Wizard by using the information in the table below. Accept default values unless otherwise specified.
    On this wizard page Do this
    Welcome Click Next.
    Select Destination Distribution Point Click Next.
    Package In Distribution points, select HOME-SCCM, and then click Next.
    Completion Click Next.
    Wizard Completed Click Close.

To select the distribution points for operating system installation packages:

  1. In the Configuration Manager console tree, go to System Center Configuration Manager/Site Database/Computer Management/ Operating System Deployment/Operating System Install Packages.
  2. In the details pane, click Windows XP SP3.
  3. In the details pane, click Manage Distribution Points.
  4. The Manage Distribution Points Wizard starts.
  5. Complete the Manage Distribution Points Wizard by using the information in the table below. Accept default values unless otherwise specified.
    On this wizard page Do this
    Welcome Click Next.
    Select Destination Distribution Point Click Next.
    Package In Distribution points, select HOME-SCCM, and then click Next.
    Completion Click Next.
    Wizard Completed Click Close.

Deploy Windows XP SP3 and capture an image of the reference computer

Create task sequence bootable media

A method must be provided for starting the computer with Windows PE and the necessary software to initiate the MDT 2008 process. At this step we’ll create the task sequence bootable media by using the Task Sequence Media Wizard and will use the .iso file to boot a new virtual machine with no operating system installed, just a new unformatted virtual hard disk.

To create task sequence bootable media:

  1. Click Start, point to All Programs, and then point to Microsoft System Center. Point to Configuration Manager 2007, and then click ConfigMgr Console.
  2. In the Configuration Manager console tree, go to System Center Configuration Manager/Site Database/Computer Management/Operating System Deployment/Task Sequences.
  3. In the details pane, click Create Task Sequence Media.
  4. The Task Sequence Media Wizard starts.
  5. Complete the Task Sequence Media Wizard by using the information in the table below. Accept the default values unless otherwise specified.
    On this wizard page Do this
    Select Media Type Click Bootable media, and then click Next.
    Media type In Media file, type \\Home-SCCM\Captures$\ConfigMgr2007_TS_Boot_Media.iso, and then click Next.
    Security In Password and Confirm password, type P@ssw0rd, and then click Next.
    Boot image In Boot image, click Browse.
    In the Select a Boot Image dialog box, click Windows PE Custom, and then click OK.
    Click Next.
    Summary Click Next.
    Confirmation Click Close.

The wizard creates the “ConfigMgr2007_TS_Boot_Media.iso” file in the \\Home-SCCM\Captures$ shared folder.

Create an advertisement for the reference computer task sequence

As I want to deploy Windows XP SP3 to bare-metal machines (which ConfigMgr doesn’t know about), I have to create an advertisement for All Unknown Computers collection.

To create an advertisement for the task sequence:

  1. In the Configuration Manager console tree, go to System Center Configuration Manager/Site Database/Computer Management/Operating System Deployment/Task Sequences.
  2. In the details pane, click Windows XP SP3 Reference Deployment.
  3. In the details pane, click Advertise.
  4. The New Advertisement Wizard starts.
  5. Complete the New Advertisement Wizard by using the information in table below. Accept the default values unless otherwise specified.
    On this wizard page Do this
    General In Comment, type Advertisement to deploy Windows Vista to the reference computer and then capture an image of the reference computer.
    In Collection, click Browse.
    In the Browse Collection dialog box, click All Unknown Computers, and then click OK.
    Select the Make this task sequence available to boot media and PXE check box.
    Click Next.
    Schedule Click Next.
    Distribution Points Click Next.
    Interaction Click Next.
    Security Click Next.
    Summary Click Next.
    Confirmation Click Close.

As “Home-XPSP3-Ref01” is a virtual machine, at this point I will start it and boot from the created ISO file.

On the Welcome to the Task Sequence Wizard page, in the Password field type P@ssw0rd and press Next. You will see that there is only one assignment: Windows XP SP3 Reference Deployment. Select it and click Next to start the operating system deployment.

The last task sequence action will capture an image of the reference computer.

If any problems occur during the deployment, consult the MDT 2008 documentation or learn how to troubleshoot task sequence issues in Configuration Manager.

In the next post I will use the captured image to create a task sequence for target machines.

Deploy ePolicy Orchestrator (ePO) agent

Having to create a package with McAfee ePO agent, I wanted to make it available to task sequence too so it can be installed during the operating system setup. For this, I had to make it install unattended or silent not requiring any user input. As I have never worked with McAfee, first, I did not understand what the purpose of this agent is. I couldn’t understand why you should install the agent and not the antivirus software itself? When I did, I started to think how to deploy it easily and with no user interaction.

So, to do this, simply put FramePkg.exe into a folder, say “ePO”, and create a package as you normally would. Then create a program that has the following command line FramePkg.exe /install = agent /silent.

If you want to install ePO as part of one task sequence, make sure the program can run whether or not a user is logged on and do not allow users to interact with the program.

This way, after the computer is added to domain, it will connect to the server and will receive all necessary settings (for example install antivirus software, patches and latest definition updates).