Want to know if your users store mp3 files on Desktop or My Documents folders?
- Add .mp3 file type to Software Inventory Client Agent properties
- Navigate to Site Database – Site Management – Site Name – Site Settings – Client Agents and double click Software Inventory Client Agent
- Select Inventory Collection tab
- Click the new button and type *.mp3 as a file name.
- Set the location: All client hard disks or Variable or path name
- Click OK to close all open windows
- Wait for Software Inventory to run and collect data
- Create a report using the following query:
SELECT TOP (100) PERCENT SYS.Netbios_Name0, SF.FileName, SF.FileSize / 1024 AS [Size, KB], SF.FilePath FROM dbo.v_GS_SoftwareFile AS SF INNER JOIN dbo.v_R_System AS SYS ON SYS.ResourceID = SF.ResourceID WHERE (SF.FileName LIKE '%mp3') AND (SF.FilePath LIKE '%My Documents%') OR (SF.FileName LIKE '%mp3') AND (SF.FilePath LIKE '%Desktop%') ORDER BY SYS.Netbios_Name0